The Social Class
Middle Grades Curriculum
6th Grade: LEAP!
7th Grade: LEAD!
8th Grade: LAUNCH!
7th Grade Class: LEAD!
Having successfully completing their first year of middle school, 7th graders arrive to The Social Class with a little bit of swagger! What a perfect time to direct this newfound confidence towards peer leadership. Whether it is leading by appropriately navigating social media or having the confidence to be an “includer”, 7th grade at The Social Class is a year of reinforcing and building upon the skills acquired in our 6th curriculum. The 7th grade curriculum will focus on: Cell phone and social media essentials, making introductions, conversation skills, family manners, common courtesies, RSVP’s and writing thank you notes. Attendance in the 6th grade is not required for your child to join us in 7th grade!
Attire: Girls: Dress or blouse and skirt, comfortable and easy to dance in dress shoes
Boys: Khaki/chino colored pants, long sleeve button down shirt (tucked in with a belt), dress shoes
Please Note: The Social Class is unable to make exceptions for children to register for a class that is different than the grade they are in. Additionally, we are only equipped to serve students who are socially mature, able to sit quietly and listen and are capable of interacting in an age appropriate manner with students their own age.